Road Estimator – Widening & Strengthening of Roads

September 17, 2021

In case of widening of a road, joint between existing and new pavements can be constructed vertically, with slope or in a stepped fashion.  Type of joint is chosen based on design criteria to avoid failures. Pavement materials for the widened portion is generally the same as the old pavement but it can vary too.

Strengthening of existing road is carried out to increase the stability of road to meet the increased demand in traffic or other criteria. Procedure wise, the existing road should be corrected first with the profile corrective course (PCC) followed by the surface layers. Profile correction can be carried out with single material or with different materials and the thickness can be from the existing road surface till the bottom of the surface layer.

When widening & strengthening of any road is carried out, there can be many challenges to calculate the quantities of each material. The conditions can vary significantly over the length of the proposed route e.g. the number of PCC layers can increase or decrease from one chainage to the other depending on the depth between existing and proposed surfaces.

Road Estimator facilitates PCC calculation and widening layers definition very effectively and it eases the complete cross section generation and quantity calculation process. It can automatically identify the existing road and trims the proposed pavement layers from the existing road edges. At the same time, PCC layers are also inserted based on the condition prevailing at that chainage. It is possible to define the complete material table for the profile correction course for automatic detection.

Automatic detection of PCC works fine for majority of the cases. If required, it can be defined manually too using various design layer and other options available in the software.

Area such obtained can be displayed with the cross section in the area statement or detailed area/volume report can be generated as per requirement.

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