All you need to know about Land Mapping & Land Plotting software

January 3, 2023
What is surveying and mapping?

Surveying is the process of measuring and mapping the physical features of the earth’s surface. It involves the use of precise surveying instruments, such as total stations, GPS receivers, other modern and conventional instruments, to measure angles, distances, and elevations, and to create maps and plans of land areas. Surveying is used in a wide range of applications, including land development, construction, and land management.

Mapping is the process of creating a visual representation of an area. Maps can be created using a variety of data sources, including survey data, aerial and satellite imageries. Mapping is used for a wide range of purposes, including navigation, land use planning, and resource management.

Surveying and mapping are closely related fields, as surveying is typically used to collect the data needed to create maps. Surveying and mapping professionals use a combination of technical skills and knowledge of geography and spatial analysis to accurately measure and represent the physical features of the earth’s surface.

Land mapping and land plotting software

Land mapping and plotting software allow users to create and analyse spatial data and maps of land areas. These software for land plotting typically include tools for collecting, storing, and displaying geographic data, as well as features for analysing and manipulating that data.

Some common features of land mapping and plotting software include:

  • Data input and import: The ability to input and import data from a variety of sources, such as survey data, imageries, and drawing files.
  • Map creation and customization: The ability to create and customize maps, including choosing map projections, selecting data layers, and adding labels and symbols.
  • Data manipulation and analysis: Tools for manipulating and analysing data, such as overlaying, and spatial querying.
  • Map export and sharing: The ability to export and share maps in various formats, such as dwg, dxf, kml etc.

Land mapping and plotting software is used in a variety of fields, including surveying, civil engineering, agriculture, and environmental science.

AutoPlotter software for Land Mapping and Plotting

In AutoPlotter Pro, whether one uses Total Stations such as Topcon, Trimble, Leica, and Sokkia or whether one uses legacy or modern devices, it does not matter. It’s a popular land mapping and land plotting software for land surveyors with powerful features to process land survey data faster and more accurately. Its customers use this land mapping and land plotting software for their land development, route planning, mining, hydrographic and hydrological needs.

When planning a site for constructing buildings, facilities or other infrastructure, AutoPlotter Pro helps one to know the land better by quickly plotting the topographic and contour maps.

AutoPlotter with GIS module gives additional benefits of overlaying basemaps or other imageries that act as reference while mapping. There are tools in it that smartly manage loading such imageries with ease.

It is possible to create and assign attributes to various land features that can further help to visualise the maps with useful information. User can create queries to fetch required details and display them in a meaningful way on the map.

Apart from survey mapping software features, AutoPlotter Pro’s advanced DTM engine helps create longitudinal and cross sections and calculate volume using various methods. 

Moreover, the software is easy to use and has, faster learning curve that makes it easy to adapt for the first timers. 

Its prominent features are:

  • It’s an easy land mapping and measuring tool
  • Performs land plotting calculations
  • Does auto-generation of drawing
  • It has built-in CAD editor
  • Accepts coordinates from various data sources.

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